You can now book onto our October City Ladies London Networking breakfast, held at the Hilton.
Organised and hosted by familiar faces Natalie Turner and co-host Julia Darlington, this session will feature our incredible spotlight, Lisa Talbot.
Is Your Wardrobe Like a Recipe?
Ever tried baking a cake and realised you’re missing a key ingredient? Imagine your wardrobe as a recipe – each piece of clothing is an essential ingredient to create the perfect outfit!
Lisa will make you think about your existing wardrobe & give you ‘take aways’ to put her style tips & advice into practise.
Award Winning Personal Stylist for ambitious women ready to invest in themselves & their personal brand to reach their full potential with confidence.
So come and enjoy breakfast, visit a lovely venue and meet lots of like-minded women face to face. Don't forget your business cards, and be prepared to have fun!
Please direct any questions to